music in not too long! :D Here's some info/ what to expect;
- I love music
- I play violin, guitar (acoustic/electric), I somewhat play piano, and if all goes well in a little while I'll have a lute, ukulele, surbahar or sitar, and maybe an accordion.
- With my current computer I can't put my music through filters or use effects, and I don't know much about producing (tips and such appreciated). So expect acoustic songs for now.
- I love breaking boundaries with my music, and am currently studying musical theory and musical forms from all over the world.
- I absolutely LOVE COLLABS so feel free to pm me, whether you want to co-write music or see what I can do with a flash overture.
- Also, feel free to message me about any great music you like or think i'd be interested in. The more inspiration, the more music I put out. :)
That's mostly it, new posts will come with new music :) peace
I want a violin, sitar and accordion.