First inter-universe traveller award goes to you? If you hurry then just maybe!
Well it has been too long since my last update. How long is too long? Long enough for me to have written some new music and gone on vacation. That's how wide. I mean depth. I mean long. Shit see it's been so long my ability to perceive space-time has begun to waver. Next i'll be a 2-dimensional splatter floating through mid-17th century Paris asking if i can get to a computer to upload something to Newgrounds to return to the 21st century...BUT, enough of this insomnia-induced acid-trip non-sense, time to get to why we're all here.
I will be posting a new song in 2 days.
Are you ready? Yeah well you've got time. Two days :)
Keeping up with the trend of random photo-graphical images,here is the carved signature of an apparent Mr. Fatoop at the Colosseum in Rome. Enjoy it. Live it. Be amazed. Be aroused. Be a good guy or gal and give me some high scores/ratings/I love you, sweet dreams.
The song's been posted. SEVERAL MINUTES EARLY :)