You read that right! Strap your mothers down fellas, Acoustatic is back in the business of recording musical works! A profession most foul! Disgusting! As a matter of fact I'm only doing this because they fired me at the sewage plant where I was payed to swim in raw human waste in order to provide the workers with cheap entertainment! Timbre? More like it all sounds like shit am I right!
But in all seriousness.
I've returned. Prepare your eardrums, your children, your wives, for a funkarrific psychedelia the likes of which would make Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and the Flaming Lips all beg for relief from this overwhelmingly groovy trip. Sound unpleasant? You've no idea what awaits you in these sound files, what compound of Funky Jazzy Bluesy Rock I've concocted up in my laboratory...Hip-Hop and Indian music can come too...maybe Latin.
Enjoy! Expect many new songs to brighten up your day in the nearby future! And hey, remember to smile, because you're a winner!
Here's a picture of an evil hamster plotting his revenge.