Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The time feels right for yet another News update. Now, some of you may be asking yourselves; Acoustatic, just what have you been up to since the last news post was made?
And the answer is; a great deal! $999 for a brand new chevy! 3 burgers for $1! Moneymoenymonet! All excellent deals, but just wait until you hear this one;
I started playing my cuatro more (expect some uploads), I've fallen in love, I've fallen out of love, I've fallen in love, I've fallen on my face, I've gotten a haircut, I've started writing! Yes! Novels! Poems! Lyrics! Plays! Short Stories! It's all going down tonight, en la Arena de Nuevatierras!
-Sabado Gigante! Jose, diles que han ganado!
-Seguramante! They've won another paragraph!
Maybe I'll even get published! God knows what would happen if the dark ramblings that incessantly fester deep in the cracks and nuances of my mind were to reach the public! In fact, I cannot even continue these many sentences, these many faces and tongues and this dead arithmetic of language must cease. At last, peace for these unwavering fingers, these restless phalangelical (of or relating to the phalanges, esp. in a reverent or sacred manner) beasts which have so tirelessly obeyed my every whim. Peace...for now...peace.
me:pill`s here.
Pills? I sound kind of crazy when I write, I get bored then get off-topic and end up making a big random post or paragraph or story or poem. It's fun!